Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gingrich: Top aides quit

Source: Yahoo News

In addition to Tyler, Johnson and Rials, aides who quit include senior adviser Sam Dawson, South Carolina director Katon Dawson, and New Hampshire director Dave Carney. The entire full-time staff in Iowa, six aides, also quit.

Rumor is Gingrich is attending the Bilderberg Group meeting after disappearing from the campaign trail.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ron Paul: "Dictatorship" in Washington D.C.

Source: The Hill

"We're not on the verge of having a king, but we are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington, D.C.," Paul said, comparing the U.S.'s current situation to a Biblical tale in which the ancient Israelites demanded, against their own good, that a king rule their land instead of God.  

Romney: "Barack Obama Has Failed America"

Source: AP News / Yahoo

Mitt Romney is opening his first formal day as a 2012 Republican presidential candidate by pitching himself as the one to heal the economy and issuing a direct challenge to the man he wants to replace: "Barack Obama has failed America," he says.

Mitt Romney needs to tread lightly on the "blame Obama" card. Sarah Palin played that card so much until the media turned on her, chased her out of Alaska's governor office and caused her to possibly move to Arizona. What Sarah Palin failed to cite is "what would Sarah do?" as a response to playing the "blame Obama" card.

Mr. Romney needs to do the same thing too and very quickly.

He is quick to cite that the Obama administration has failed to create jobs. Isn't that what the Republicans ran on in the 2010 mid-term elections, especially Speaker of the House Boehner? Have the Republicans put up any job creation bills or debate in Congress about job creation?

Of course not!

Their main distraction is playing to the "Tea Party" voters by vilifying Obama, who does not need any help, and trying to strip away the legality of Obamacare's mandated government healthcare rather than appealing to voters of both parties about job creation. Obamacare can easily and has been defeated in states who have challenged it in state courts because there is no constitutional obligation by the federal government to mandate any citizen or force you have health insurance!

State courts can throw it out and challenge it's constitutionality while the Republicans push for job creation in Congress, which is what we put them in office to do!

Sarah Palin: Touring NYC With Star Of David Around Her Neck

Source: NBC New York

I have no idea what Mrs. Palin is up to. It's not like she's promoting a book or events, except maybe running for President, but she is keeping really quiet about it. Perhaps to stir up some excitement so when she runs, her supporters are enthusiastic about it and ready to donate while everyone else just shrugs their shoulders because in the back of their mind, they already knew it was going to happen?

Romney To Criss-Cross Country For Fundraisers In June

Source: National Journal

Mitt looks to be a very busy guy.. maybe stacking up money in that potential 2012 war chest because whatever candidate who emerges as the party candidate is going to need it against Barack Obama.

Huckabee: Mind Could Change On Presidential Bid

Source: Arkansas News
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee foresees a “broke and battered” nominee emerging from the 2012 Republican presidential sweepstakes but says his recent exit from the race is not etched in stone.

Sorry, Mike, you got that cushy Fox News job. Why risk losing it? 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

House of Reps: H. Con. Res #51 In Regards to Libyan War

There is a vote in the U.S. House today (June 1) on H. Con. Res. 51. "Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya."

CNBC: 150 Economists Back US Republicans in Debt Fight

Source: CNBC

More than 150 economists back U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's call to match any increase in the debt limit with spending cuts of equal size, according to a letter released by the Republican leader's office Wednesday.

Sarah Palin To Meet With Donald Trump

Source: Politico

Very interesting!

Washington Times: "GOP presidential field needs a dose of excitement"

Source: Washington Times

In a Republican presidential field where no top-tier candidate offers a flawless resume, the question facing GOP primary voters is whether they can find a diamond in the rough — a standard-bearer who embodies the party’s conservative backbone and can give President Obama a run for his money.

I completely disagree.

There is one candidate with a flawless resume, which is Ron Paul. If you look at the man's Congressional career for the past 30 years, you have extreme consistency unlike Herman Cain's support of the TARP bailouts and many other inconsistencies with others.

While I'm not going to use this blog to support just one candidate because I'm rather outspoken on who I support, I think this silliness with the Republican Party wanting "excitement" will only result in a potential 2012 loss.

Let's face it - being a conservative is not "exciting" compared to other political parties. Republican issues are not exciting either, but that's a good thing. It means that we are serious about campaign issues and serious about life in general.

Would the Republican Party and top Republican leadership throw away 2012 on some type of "Hail Mary" pass to some Republican version of a freshman Senator from Illinois like Barack Obama? We know the Republicans would throw up John "Amnesty" McCain and Sarah "Is Africa A Continent Or A Country" Palin so why would this GOP Obama not be off the table with the Republicans?

I think the Republican Party should look at polls and throw it's support behind the Republican candidate who is closest behind Barack Obama, not that "Hail Mary" candidate that is 20 - 30 points behind Obama, the candidate that is less than 10 points behind Obama which is Ron Paul who is 7 points behind.

It allows Congressman Paul to surpass Obama with that 7 point deficit and beat Obama by 15 or up to 25 points if Obama continues to mess up on foreign and domestic policies like he keeps doing and the continuing controversy over his birth certificate by WND Editor Jerome Corsi, who has filed charges with the FBI accusing that the latest copy of Obama's birth certificate is a forgery and White House administration are behind the forgery of an official document which is a crime.