Thursday, June 2, 2011

Romney: "Barack Obama Has Failed America"

Source: AP News / Yahoo

Mitt Romney is opening his first formal day as a 2012 Republican presidential candidate by pitching himself as the one to heal the economy and issuing a direct challenge to the man he wants to replace: "Barack Obama has failed America," he says.

Mitt Romney needs to tread lightly on the "blame Obama" card. Sarah Palin played that card so much until the media turned on her, chased her out of Alaska's governor office and caused her to possibly move to Arizona. What Sarah Palin failed to cite is "what would Sarah do?" as a response to playing the "blame Obama" card.

Mr. Romney needs to do the same thing too and very quickly.

He is quick to cite that the Obama administration has failed to create jobs. Isn't that what the Republicans ran on in the 2010 mid-term elections, especially Speaker of the House Boehner? Have the Republicans put up any job creation bills or debate in Congress about job creation?

Of course not!

Their main distraction is playing to the "Tea Party" voters by vilifying Obama, who does not need any help, and trying to strip away the legality of Obamacare's mandated government healthcare rather than appealing to voters of both parties about job creation. Obamacare can easily and has been defeated in states who have challenged it in state courts because there is no constitutional obligation by the federal government to mandate any citizen or force you have health insurance!

State courts can throw it out and challenge it's constitutionality while the Republicans push for job creation in Congress, which is what we put them in office to do!

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